Red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, maroon, magenta etc. are obviously the names of a few colors, and these colors are not just a host of visual treat for each and every live creature on the earth.  Indeed, colors, happiness and life are compliments to each other and without the one others remain incomplete and tasteless. 

Though each color has an awesome first hand appearance and all the colors combined together make  the entire world colorful, but there are a few people around us with God gifted capabilities to manipulate these colors and generate master pieces of arts. Our textile industry is very well provided with such artistic minds. For instance if you pay a little heed upon J.’s  recently  released Summer Lawn Print  2015 Vol. 2, you are not likely to be able to stop yourself liking and loving beautiful Kurtis, which have been included in this volume along with PRETS and unstitched three piece and four piece lawn dresses, for their lovely and charming vibrant, dim and soft hues and remarkable embellishment. Just a brief look on these Kurtis will be enough to make you feel the softness and freshness of the wet sea breeze and the melody of the soft drizzling in the hot summer season. 

These Kurtis are going to be proved an ideal outfit for the teen age school and college girls who  love to wear trousers, Chori Dar Pajamas, Tights, Plazoos, pants and Capris instead of Shalwars. All the Kurtis  in this volume have very well embellished and  nicely printed fronts , sleeves and backs along with delicately designed necks embroidered with great sophistication or adorned with Doris. So bring easiness, comfort and sophistication in your lives with J. and say proudly……….. Yes….. Summer is beautiful…….. !

Chic Designs From Junaid Jamshed Summer Lawn Print  2015 Vol.2

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
JJLK-JSS-S-15-662-A FB-Modcost-1-by-junaid-jamshed
Item 10
JJLK-JSS-15-616 FB-Bhit Shah-by-junaid-jamshed
Item 11
 JJLK-JSS-S-15-702 FB-Nemphis-by-junaid-jamshed
Item 12


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